会ってさらに分かる、テレサの素晴らしさ いたずら好き、やんちゃな面もあるが

その210号 1987年 7月号に、潘冰嫦(歌手・女優)による、テレサ・テンについての記述記事が掲載されています。

ただし、記事タイトルの「我見猶憐」の部分は、「我見猶憐」という四字熟語の言葉遊びwordplay をしていることと、ただしこの「憐」は「憐れ pity」の意味ではなく、「愛らしさ adorable, cute」の意味であるということとを知らせてもらいました。そのため、タイトル部分と、タイトルに呼応する文末の「憐」の部分のみ修正をしてあります。
テレサ・テンの清らかで悲痛な歌声は、数え切れないほどの男女の心を癒してきたが、彼女自身の波立つ心を癒すことはできなかった。 テレサ・テンが恋愛報道でマスコミに追い回され、恐怖に怯え、喉に弓を刺された鳥のように、彼女はますます自分の感情に囚われ、さらに固く封印するようになった。
中国人のいるところならどこにでも、テレサ・テンの歌、彼女の魂のこもったラブソングがある。 慎重に計算すれば、彼女は中国と外国の音楽シーンで最も多くのファンを持つ歌手の一人であることがわかるだろう。 テレサ・テンの今日の成功は長年の努力の結果であり、彼女は自分自身を誇りに思うべきだ。
当時、彼女はすでにファンから “歌の女王ドール “と呼ばれていたが、当時はまだ憂いを知らない年頃で、"お姉さんになりたい “という願望を満たすために “ミス・テレサ・テン “と呼ばれたがっていた。 彼女はすでに「妹」という言葉に焦がれていた。 当時、彼女のファンはその明るく知的なイメージに惹かれ、とても彼女を愛していた。 ダイナミックでテンポの速い曲を歌う彼女が歌うラブソングは、恋愛を始めたばかりの少女の気持ちを最もよく表現していた。
一度だけ彼女が香港で歌っていた時、彼女の泊まっていたホテルに話を聞きに行ったことがある。私が部屋のドアに入ろうとした時、彼女はすぐに私を引き戻した。床には「米田」の山があった。私は鼻を覆ってその場を立ち去った。誰が彼女の部屋にこんな山のようなものを置いていったのか、本当に分からなかった。タンの母親は思わず笑って言った。「からかわないでよ、これは日本から買って帰ったプラスチックのおもちゃなのよ」。 彼女が初めて香港に来たとき、友人がロールスロイスとメルセデス・ベンツ6000を持ち出してきた。 私たち2人の少女は、当時ブランド名についてよく知らなかったので、これらの高価な車を素直に受け入れることができず、車内で話したり笑ったりしながら、揺れたりぶつかったりしてめまいを感じ、二度とメルセデス・ベンツの後部座席には乗らないと誓った。
テレサ・テンがナイトクラブのステージに登場し、友人たちが彼女を応援するために大宴会を開いた。 公演が終わると、彼女は大きな袋を宴会場に持って行き、大喜びで座り、手に持っていた袋を拍手とともにテーブルの真ん中に置き、満足げな微笑みさえ漏らした。友人たちは何が何だかわからず、慌てて袋を開け、袋を見ると宴会場にいた全員が鼻を隠して散り散りになった。 日本から買ってきたプラスチックの “ウンコ “をテーブルの上に置くという、彼女の昔からの手口を繰り返していたことが判明したのだ。 酒を飲んでいた友人たちは、彼女がこんなことをするとは想像もつかず、さらにその “ウンコ “の山が偽物であることも想像できず、全員が彼女の罠にはまってしまった。 テレサは、彼女に騙された人の顔を見るのが大好きだ。 よく見ると、おもちゃの上には手作りのハエが乗っていて、本物そっくりだった。 テレサ・テンのやんちゃぶりは、友人たちが彼女の性格を知っているため、最もすんなりと受け入れられた。また、彼女のからかいの行動も非常に慎重で、いつも行き過ぎないギリギリのところで止まっていた。
テレサ・タンは家族で唯一の女の子であり、両親にとっては良い娘であり、幼いながらに両親を敬うことをすでに心得ている。 兄たちにとっても良い妹であり、兄と弟たちを慕い、広い心と果敢で雄々しい精神を持った少年たちの一員である。
年前、彼女には14、15歳くらいの姉弟がいた。 テレサ・タンがコンサートを開くたびに、その二人がそばで登場するのを見かけ、テレサ・タンはその真摯な姿に感動し、二人を弟妹のように可愛がり、友人の結婚披露宴にも二人が出席することもしばしばあった。 最近テレサ・テンに会い、かつてのファン2人について尋ねたところ、姉は結婚して子供がおり、弟は大学を卒業しようとしているが、テレサ・テンとはいまだに連絡を取り合っているという。
テレサ・テンの武勇伝といえば、香港で馬に乗ったことがなかったことだ。 シャーティンで馬に乗るときはいつも、初めて馬に乗る人はみんな怖がると言われ、乗り方を習ったあとはみんなゆっくり乗っていました。 しかし、彼女は馬に乗るやいなや、どうすれば馬が速く走れるかを人に尋ねる。 あるインストラクターは、彼女に乗馬の才能があると考え、たくさんの技術を教えた。 しばらくして、インストラクターは彼女に鞭(前方)を持たせ、彼女は馬を速く走らせようと頑張ったが、あまりに速くなったので、馬をコントロールすることができなかった。しかし、彼女は落ち着いていて、特に困っている様子もなかったが、傍観していた私たちはもう怖くて怖くて仕方がなかった。
彼女は毅然としていて、感情的で涙もろい。 彼女が歌手活動を発展させるために日本に移って以来、私たちが会う機会は少なくなったが、時折香港に帰ってきて世間話をすると、彼女は感極まって涙を流し、のどを詰まらせ、声も出せなくなり、友人に対する愛情は言葉には全くならなかった。
テレサ・テンは語学の天才で、わずか数年で英語と日本語を流暢に操った。 この聡明で勉強熱心な女性なら、最初から歌の世界、あるいは別の職業で素晴らしいキャリアを築いていただろうと思う。
彼女は自分のキャリアに完全にコミットし、懸命に働き、責任感が強く、忍耐強く、進取の気性に富み、常に挑戦し続け、歌の分野で常にブレークスルーを求めている。 しかし、彼女は野心家ではなく、自分のためだけに努力を惜しまない。彼女は率直に私に言うだろう、自分の業績がどこまで続くか予想したことがないと。彼女は愛を追求し、キャリアの達成を追求するよりもロマンスを追求する方が心よりも強く、愛のためにキャリアを捨てることさえできる。
キャリアのため、ファンを失望させないため、彼女は思うように愛したり憎んだりすることができず、苦悩を感じるだろう。 さらに、恋の回り道をさまよい、三度も四度も刺され、苦しめられ、恋というものに少し幻滅してしまう。 彼女はその悲しみを歌に込め、ラブソングをより切なく哀しいものにし、人々にため息をつかせ、同情させる。
彼女はそのソフトで哀愁を帯びた歌声で数え切れないほどの男女を慰めてきたが、彼女自身の波立つ心を癒すことはできなかった。 テレサ・テンが恋のニュースを追って何度か報道されたことがあるため、彼女は怯え、焦り、まるで怯えた鳥のように、自分の気持ちをどんどん詰め込み、より堅く封印していった。
テレサ・テンは優しさの体現者であり、ファンの心の中の叙情の女王である。 特に今のテレサ・テンは、「感傷的な人だが、今は本当に感傷的ではない」と表現できる。 特に今日のテレサ・テンはそうだ。
近年、テレサ・テンは人前に出るのが好きでなくなった。 最近、ニュー・アルバムの発売発表記者会見を開いた彼女は、相変わらず艶やかで輝いていた。ソロ・コンサートにはあまり熱心でなくなり、代わりに作詞に熱中しているという彼女の言いようのない明るさが嬉しい。
もし彼女が私のラジオ番組『東西南北』にゲスト出演してくれるなら、喜んで迎えよう。 私の番組に来るために、彼女は旅行の予定を延期してまで来てくれた。
番組では、昔話や彼女の生い立ちを少し話した。 私は、「視聴者の目から見て、テレサ・テンは恥ずかしがらず、危険な時にも動じないとても勇気のある女性で、日本での紅白戦で中国人のために良い仕事をしてくれたことを光栄に思っています」と言った。
"紅白歌合戦に出た時は少し緊張し、中国人の顔を重く感じた。" 子供の頃、初めてテレビで歌ったんですが、当時台湾にはテレビ局が1つしかなかったので、いつも生放送だったんです。 何日も緊張して毎日歌詞を暗記していたのに、ステージに上がると頭が真っ白で歌詞が浮かばなかった」。 その結果、テレサ・テンはラジオ局からかなり長い間遠ざけられていた。この世界的に有名な歌姫が人前で恥をかいたことがあったとは驚きだが、当時彼女はまだ14歳か15歳の少女だった。
あっという間に、過去の喜びが戻ってきたかのようだった。 彼女は過去の悲喜こもごもを黙って語り、「人生なんて、風前のともしびみたいなもので、喜びも散り散り、悲しみも散り散り、どれも川の上のピンポンみたいなもの」と言った! この長年の友人に対しては、私は自分の親愛哀れみでしか彼女を経験することができない!
Still Impressed by Teresa Teng’s Beautiy After Seeing Her in PersonI Feel Pity for Teresa Teng
Poon Bing Sheung
Teresa Teng’s pure and sorrowful voice has soothed countless men and women, but she could not soothe her own surging heart. Teresa Teng has been hounded by the press on several occasions with news of her love affairs, which has left her terrified and like a bird with a bow in its throat, she has become more and more wrapped up in her own feelings, sealing them off even more tightly.
Wherever there are Chinese people, there is Teresa Teng’s voice, her love songs, intoxicating, recognized as the sweetest and gentlest female singer. If you do some careful calculations, you will find that she is one of the singers with the most fans in the Chinese and foreign music scene. Teresa Teng’s success today is the result of years of hard work and she should be proud of herself.
More than a decade ago, Teresa Teng, a young girl in a short skirt from Bao Dao, was a lively and dexterous girl who danced happily on stage, spitting out a series of bright and clear rhymes, and the audience was infected by her joyful atmosphere, and at that time, she had already been labeled by her fans as the “Queen of Dolls".
At that time, she was already known as the “Doll Queen of Songs" by her fans. At that time, she was at the age of a young girl who did not know the taste of sadness, and she wanted to be called “Miss Teresa Teng" to satisfy her desire to be a “big girl". She was already impatient with the title “little sister". At that time, fans were attracted by her bright and intelligent image and loved her. She sang dynamic and fast-paced songs, and her love songs could best express the feelings of a young girl in her first days of love.
It was at this time that I met her. She was naughty and full of ideas, and she and I shared the same hobby of making fun of each other, so we got along very well, but I was the one who got teased most of the time, and Teresa Teng’s ways of teasing people were really endless.
Once she sang in Hong Kong, I walked to the hotel where she was staying to talk to her, when I was about to step into the room door, she immediately pulled me back, there was a pile of “Yoneda" on the floor, I covered my nose and walked away, I really can’t figure out who left this pile of things in her room, Tang’s mother couldn’t help but laugh and said: “Don’t tease people, this is just a plastic toy bought back from Japan,". Teresa Tang was really naughty. When she came to Hong Kong for the first time, her friends brought out a Rolls Royce and a Mercedes-Benz 6000, and the two of us little girls couldn’t take these expensive cars in our stride because we didn’t know much about brand names at that time. We talked and laughed inside the car, and felt dizzy from wavering and bumping, and we swore that we wouldn’t ride in the back of the Mercedes-Benz in the future.
Teresa Teng appeared on stage at a nightclub, and her friends made a big feast to support her. After the show, she took a big bag of things to the banquet room, sat down cheerfully, and put the bag in her hand in the middle of the table with a clap, and even let out a small smile of satisfaction, which made her friends wonder what was going on. It turned out that she was repeating her old trick of putting the plastic “shit" bought from Japan on the table. The group of friends who were having a drink could not imagine that she had done this, and even more so that the pile of “shit" was a fake, and they all fell into her trap. Teresa loves to see the look on people’s faces when they are fooled by her. Later, she explained to them that it was just a toy, and she even explained how well the toy was made. Upon closer inspection, there was a fly on the top of the toy, which looked very lifelike, and none of them were angry with her, and they even admired the toy and studied it slowly. Teresa Teng’s naughtiness was most easily accepted by her friends, because everyone knew her personality, and her teasing behavior was also very measured, always stopping short of going too far.
Teresa Teng is the only girl in her family. She is a good daughter to her parents, and at her young age, she already knows how to honor her parents, and she is also a good sister to her brothers. She is a good sister to her brothers. She respects her elder brother and loves her younger brothers, and she is a member of a group among the boys, with a broad mind and a bold spirit.
Years ago, she had a pair of sisters and brothers singing riddles, about fourteen or fifteen years old. Every time Teresa Tang’s concerts, she saw them appearing beside her. Teresa Tang was very touched by their sincerity, and regarded them as her younger siblings and loved them as much as her younger siblings, and often went with them, even attending her friend’s wedding banquets, which were also attended by her sisters and brothers. When I met Teresa Teng recently and asked her about her two former fans, I realized that the elder sister is now married and has children, and the younger brother is about to graduate from university, but they still keep in touch with Teresa Teng, which shows the importance she places on friendship.
Speaking of Teresa Teng’s heroism, she had never ridden a horse when she first came to Hong Kong. Whenever we rode to Shatin, we were assured that every first-time rider would be scared, and after learning how to ride a horse, we would ride slowly. After learning how to get on a horse, she would ride slowly. But once she got on the horse, she would ask how to make the horse go faster. One of the instructors thought that she had a great talent for horse riding, so he taught her a lot of skills and she learned them very quickly. After a while, the instructor let her take the whip [forward], and she tried her best to make the horse go faster, but she couldn’t control it, but she was calm and didn’t seem to be in any trouble, but those of us who were on the sidelines were already scared out of our wits.
From her learning to ride a horse, we could already see that she had courage [as well as exceptional boldness], and this courage [in her future singing career], played a great role.
She was resolute, emotional, and prone to tears. Since she moved to Japan to develop her singing career, there were fewer opportunities for us to see each other. When she occasionally came back to Hong Kong for a small talk, she would be so moved that she would burst into tears, choking on her throat, unable to speak, and her love for her friends was in no words at all.
Teresa Teng had a genius for languages. She spoke English and Japanese fluently in just a few years. I think this intelligent and studious woman would have made a superb career in singing, or even in another profession from the very beginning.
She is totally committed to her career, she works hard, she is responsible, she has perseverance, she is enterprising, she constantly challenges herself and she always seeks breakthroughs in the field of singing. However, she is not an ambitious person, she puts in efforts only to herself, she will frankly say to me that she never estimated how far her achievements would go, her pursuit of love, the pursuit of romance is stronger than the pursuit of career achievements, she can even give up her career for love.
Some people think that Teresa belongs to the stage and to her fans, some of whom are so selfish that they don’t want to see her in love for fear that Teresa will abandon them all one day.
For the sake of her career, for the sake of not letting her fans down, she would not be able to love or hate as much as she wanted to, and she would feel aggrieved. In addition, she would wander on the circuitous path of love, stabbed and tortured three or four times, and was a bit disillusioned with the matter of love. She puts her sadness into her songs, making her love songs even more poignant and sorrowful, making people sigh and feel sorry for her.
Her pure and gentle sorrowful voice has soothed countless men and women, but she can’t soothe her own surging heart. Teresa Teng was once several times by the press on her love news to pursue, so she was scared and impatient, like a bird with a bow in fear, more and more of their own feelings packaged up, closed more tightly.
Teresa Teng is the embodiment of tenderness, the queen of lyricism in her fans’ hearts. This truly sentimental person is thinly veiled in her feelings, and on the surface, she does not give in easily. Especially today, Teresa Teng can be described as “a person who has been in love for a long time has turned to a book, but nowadays, she is really not sentimental". This is especially true of Teresa Teng today.
In recent years, Teresa Teng is no longer fond of public appearances. Recently, she held a press conference to announce the release of her new album, and she was still as glamorous and glowing as ever, and I am glad to see her unspeakable cheerfulness, as she is no longer very enthusiastic about her solo concerts, and she is more interested in writing lyrics.
Looking back, how many sorrowful and joyful years have passed?
Looking into the future, there is nothing left but songs of love and hate
If she agrees to be a guest on my radio program “East, West, North, South", I will be happy to have her on my show. In order to come to my program, she even postponed her travel schedule.
In the program, we talked about the old days and a little bit of her history. I said, “In the audience’s mind, Teresa Teng is a very courageous woman who is not shy and doesn’t get upset in times of danger, and we are honored that she has done a good job for the Chinese in the Red and White Contests in Japan," I said.
"I was a little bit nervous when I came out for the Red and White Contest, I was very burdened for the face of the Chinese people." When I was a kid, I sang on TV for the first time. At that time, there was only one TV station in Taiwan, and it was always live. I had been nervous for days, memorizing the lyrics every day, but when it came time to go on stage, my mind was completely blank, and I couldn’t think of any lyrics. As a result, Teresa Teng was hidden away by the radio station for quite some time, and it’s amazing to think that this world-famous diva was once embarrassed in front of people, but she was only a 14 or 15 year old girl at that time.
In a flash, it was as if the joy of the past had returned to us. She was silent about all the sorrows and joys of the past, saying, “Life is just like the flakes before the wind, joys are scattered, sorrows are scattered, all of them are just a little bit of ping pong on the river! For this longtime friend, I can only experience her with my own affection pity!
彼女はその清らかで哀しげな歌声で数え切れないほどの狂った男たちや憤慨する女たちをなだめてきたが、自らの高ぶる心を鎮めることはできなかった。 テレサ・テンさんは、熱愛報道でマスコミに何度も追われ、怯えた鳥のように怯え、自分の気持ちをますますしっかりと詰め込んでいった。
中国人がいればどこにでもテレサ・テンの歌声があり、彼女のラブソングはとても魅力的で、最も甘くて優しい声を持つ女性歌手として知られています。 注意深く計算してみると、彼女は中国と外国の音楽界で最も多くのファンを持つ歌手であることがわかります。 テレサ・テンの今日の成果は、長年にわたるたゆまぬ努力の結果であり、彼女は自分自身を誇りに思うべきです。
この子は、若者が悲しみがどのようなものかを知らない盛りの時期にあり、「大きな女の子」と呼ばれたいという欲求を満たすために、ミス・テレサ・テンと呼ばれることを主張します。 「妹」という称号に焦っていたからだ。 当時、ファンは彼女の聡明で明るいイメージに魅了され、とても愛されていましたが、彼女が歌う曲はどれもダイナミックでテンポが速く、特にラブソングは少女の心情を最もよく表現していました。彼女の恋愛生活の始まり。
ある時、彼女が香港で歌っていたので、彼女と話をするために彼女が滞在しているホテルに行きました。私が部屋に入ろうとしたとき、彼女はすぐに私を捕まえました。そこには「米」の山があったことがわかりました。地面に「畑」があり、私は手のひらで鼻を覆いました。立ち去りながら、誰がこの山のものを部屋に置いたのか本当にわかりませんでした。鄧小母は笑いをこらえきれずに言いました。「作らないでください」 「冗談よ、これらは日本から買ってきたただのプラスチックのおもちゃだよ」 テレサ・テンは本当にいたずらっ子で、彼女が初めて香港に来たとき、彼女の友達がロールスロイスやピンジ 600 をすべて持ち出してきました。私たち 2 人の少女は、これらの高価な車を無視しました。当時、私たちは有名ブランドについてあまり知りませんでしたが、車の中で話したり笑ったりし、衝撃や振動でめまいを感じながら、二度とメルセデス・ベンツの後部座席には座らないと誓っていました。
テレサ・テンはナイトクラブの舞台に上がり、友人たちは彼女を応援するために宴会を開いたが、公演後、彼女は物が入った大きな袋を宴会場に持って行き、嬉しそうに座り、その袋を手に叩き、会場に置いた。 「ステージの真ん中で、まだドヤ顔です。彼女はかすかに笑みを浮かべました。何が起こっているのか分からず、彼女の友人たちは急いでパッケージを開けました。一目見ただけで、テーブルにいた全員が鼻を隠して散っていました。彼女が判明したのは、 「彼女はいつものやり方を繰り返していて、日本から買ってきたプラスチック片を手に取りました。その「たわごと」はテーブルの上に置かれました。飲んでいた友人グループは、彼女がこんなことをするとは予想していなかったし、ましてや「たわごと」が山積みになっているとは予想していませんでしたそれは偽物であり、全員が彼女の罠に落ちました。 テレサテンは、騙された後の他人の表情を見るのが好きです。 その後、彼女はそれがただのおもちゃであることを皆に説明し、そのおもちゃがどれほど似ているかまで紹介しましたが、よく見ると、おもちゃの上に精巧に作られたハエがあり、一緒に遊んでいる人の目には本物のように見えました。 、誰も彼女に怒ることはなく、おもちゃを手に持って、感謝しながらゆっくりとそれを研究しました。 テレサ・テンのいたずらは、友人たちに最も簡単に受け入れられます。なぜなら、誰もが彼女の性格を知っており、彼女のからかい行動も非常に慎重であり、常に適度であり、決してやりすぎないからです。
テレサ・テンは家族の中で唯一の女の子です。彼女は両親にとって良い娘です。幼い頃から両親を敬う方法をすでに知っています。また、兄弟たちにとっては良き姉妹でもあります。 兄を敬い、弟を大切にし、少年達でパーティを結成し、頭脳明晰で英雄気質に溢れている。 何年も前、彼女には14、5歳くらいの兄と妹がいました。 テレサ・テンが出演するたびに、彼らをそばで見守っていましたが、テレサ・テンは彼らの誠実さにとても感動し、彼らを兄弟姉妹のように愛し、気遣い、よく一緒に過ごし、友人の結婚披露宴にも出席しました。彼らも出席していました。 最近テレサ・テンに会って、彼女の元ファン二人の近況を聞いたところ、姉は結婚して子供がおり、弟はもうすぐ大学を卒業するところであり、今でもテレサ・テンと連絡を取り合っていることが分かりました。 , これは彼女が友情の大切さに興味を持っていたことを示しています。
テレサ・テンの英雄的な精神について言えば、本当に感動的です。彼女が初めて香港に来たとき、彼女は馬に乗ったことがありませんでした。私たちが沙田に馬に行くたびに、初めて馬に乗る人は皆必ずそう思います。馬の乗り方を学んだ後は、ゆっくりと馬に乗ります。 思いがけず、長女は馬に乗るとすぐに、馬を速く走らせる方法を人々に尋ねました。 彼女に乗馬の才能があると考えたコーチがいて、彼女に多くのテクニックを丁寧に教えてくれたので、彼女はすぐに上達しました。 しばらくすると、コーチから「自分で鞭を持つように」と言われ、馬を速く走らせようと一生懸命に努力しましたが、予想外に速くて制御できませんでしたが、表情は落ち着いていて、特に問題はないようでした。 . But we were 隣の人は顔が青くなるほど怖がっていました。
強い性格で感情豊か、そして涙もろい。 歌手としてのキャリアを築くために日本に来て以来、会って交流する機会が減りましたが、時折短期間の休暇で香港に戻ると、生き別れの親友に会って感動することでしょう。顔には涙があふれ、すすり泣きで喉が詰まって声も出ず、友達への気持ちをうまく表現できませんでした。
テレサ・テンさんは語学にとても才能があり、わずか3年で英語と日本語を流暢に話せるようになりました。 この聡明で勉強熱心な女性は、歌の世界で成長しても、最初から他の業界に参入しても、超人的な功績を残せると思います。
彼女は自分のキャリアに全力で取り組み、仕事に専念し、強い責任感、忍耐力、そして強い進取の精神を持ち、常に自分自身に挑戦し、歌の分野でのブレークスルーをしばしば追求します。 しかし、彼女は出世主義ではありません。自分の努力を自分自身に説明するだけです。彼女は、自分の成果がどこまで伸びるか全く見積もっていません。キャリアの成果を追求するよりも、愛やロマンスを追求します。彼女が強ければ、彼女はできるかもしれません。愛のためにキャリアを放棄することさえある。
テレサ・テンは舞台とファンのものだと信じている人もいますし、テレサ・テンがいつか自分たちを見捨てることを恐れて、彼女が恋に落ちるところを見たくないという利己的なファンもいます。 キャリアのため、ファンを失望させないために、好きも嫌いも自由にできず、悔しかったです。 さらに、何度も刺されては翻弄されながら遠回りな恋路をさまよい、恋愛への興味も薄れていきます。 彼女は自分のペーソスを歌に込めて、ラブソングをさらに悲しく悲しいものにし、聴く人を悲しく哀れな気持ちにさせました。
彼女はその清らかで哀しげな歌声で数え切れないほどの狂った男たちや憤慨する女たちをなだめてきたが、自らの高ぶる心を鎮めることはできなかった。 テレサ・テンさんは、熱愛報道でマスコミに何度も追われ、怯えた鳥のように怯え、自分の気持ちをますますしっかりと詰め込んでいった。
テレサ・テンはファンの目には優しさの体現者であり、叙情的な歌手です。 この本当に情熱的な人は、感情に無関心で、表面的には簡単に譲歩しません。特に今日のテレサ・テン。彼女を説明するには、「人々は長い間情熱的でしたが、今では本当に情熱的ではありません。」という言葉を使うことができます。
未来を見据えて 自由な愛憎の歌
彼女が私が司会を務めるラジオ番組「東・西・南・北」にゲスト出演することに同意してくれたら。 私のショーに来るために、彼女も旅行の予定を延期しました。
一瞬にして、かつての喜びが再び目の前に現れたかのようでした。 これまでの喜びも悲しみも、彼女はただ黙って見ていた、諺にあるように、「人生は風の前の尾状花序のようなもので、散りばめられた喜びも散りばめられた悲しみもあるが、それらはすべてつながっている」この長年の友人に対して、彼女は自分への愛を表現することしかできません。私は親愛同情心を利用して彼女を体験することができます。
Still Impressed by Teresa Teng’s Beautiy After Seeing Her in PersonI still pity Teresa Teng
Pan Bingchang
With her pure and plaintive singing voice, she soothed countless crazy men and resentful women, but she could not soothe her own surging heart. Teresa Teng was repeatedly chased by the press for news about her love affair, which made her frightened, like a frightened bird, and she packed up her feelings more and more tightly.
Wherever there are Chinese people, there is Teresa Teng’s singing voice. Her love songs are so intoxicating that she is recognized as the female singer with the sweetest and gentlest voice. If you calculate carefully, you will find that she is the singer with the most fans in the Chinese and foreign music circles. Teresa Teng’s achievements today are the result of years of unremitting efforts, and she should be proud of herself.
More than ten years ago, Teresa Teng was a little girl from Taiwan in a short skirt. She was lively and dexterous. She danced joyfully on the stage and spit out strings of brisk and loud rhymes. The audience was fascinated by her. Her joyful atmosphere made her excited. At that time, she was dubbed the “Baby Diva" by her fans.
This child is in the prime of life when young people don’t know what it’s like to be sad, so she insists on being called Miss Teresa Teng to satisfy her desire to be called a “big girl”. Because she was impatient with the title “little sister". At that time, fans were attracted by her smart and bright image and loved her very much. All the songs she sang were dynamic and fast-paced. As for the love songs she sang, they best expressed the feelings of a young girl in the beginning of her love life.
I met her at this time. She was naughty and full of tricks. She and I both had the same hobby of making fun of her, so we got along very well. However, I was the one who got teased most of the time. Teresa Teng’s tricks of teasing people were really endless.
One time she was singing in Hong Kong, and I went to the hotel where she was staying to chat with her. When I was about to step into the room, she immediately grabbed me. It turned out that there was a pile of “rice fields" on the ground, and I covered my nose with my palms. Walking away, I really couldn’t figure out who left this pile of things in her room. Mother Deng couldn’t help laughing and said, “Don’t make fun of me, these are just plastic toys bought from Japan." Teresa Teng is really Naughty, when she first came to Hong Kong, her friend brought out all the Rolls-Royce and Pinji 600s. We two little girls ignored these expensive cars because we didn’t know much about famous brands at the time. We were talking and laughing in the car, feeling dizzy from the bumps and vibrations, and vowed never to sit in the back seat of a Mercedes-Benz again.
Teresa Teng went on stage in a nightclub, and her friends held a banquet to support her. After the performance, she took a large bag of things to the banquet room, sat down happily, slapped the bag in her hand and put it in the middle of the stage, still feeling smug. She let out a faint smile. Not knowing what was going on, her friends quickly opened the package. At a glance, everyone at the table was hiding their noses and scattering. It turned out that she was repeating her old trick and took the plastic piece bought from Japan. The “shit" was placed on the table. The group of friends who were drinking didn’t expect that she would do this, let alone that the pile of “shit" was fake, and they all fell into her trap. Teresa Teng likes to see other people’s expressions after being fooled by her. Later, she explained to everyone that it was just a toy, and she even introduced how similar the toy was. Upon closer inspection, there was a delicately crafted fly on top of the toy, which looked lifelike to the person she was playing with. , no one was angry with her, and they held the toy and studied it slowly with great appreciation. Teresa Teng’s naughtiness is most easily accepted by friends, because everyone knows her personality, and her teasing behavior is also very measured, always in moderation, and never too much.
Teresa Teng is the only girl in the family. She is a good daughter to her parents. At a young age, she already knows how to honor her parents. She is also a good sister to her brothers. He respects his elder brothers, cherishes his younger brothers, forms a party among the boys, has a brilliant mind, and is full of heroic spirit.
Many years ago, she had a brother and sister who were about fourteen or five years old. Every time Teresa Teng performed, she would see them by her side. Teresa Teng was very moved by their sincerity, and she even loved and cared for them like brothers and sisters. She often stayed with them, even attending friends’ wedding banquets, where they were also present. share. I recently met Teresa Teng and asked her about the current situation of her two former fans. I found out that the sister was married and had a child, and the younger brother was about to graduate from college. They were still in contact with Teresa Teng, which shows that she was interested in The importance of friendship.
Speaking of Teresa Teng’s heroic spirit, it is really moving. When she first came to Hong Kong, she had never ridden a horse. Every time we go to Sha Tin to ride horses, I guarantee that everyone who mounts a horse for the first time will always be scared. After learning how to mount a horse, , all riding slowly. Unexpectedly, as soon as the eldest lady got on the horse, she asked people how to make the horse go faster. There was a coach who thought she was very talented in horse riding, so he taught her many techniques with great care, and she learned it quickly. After a while, the coach asked her to hold the whip herself. She tried her best to make the horse run faster. Unexpectedly, it was so fast that she couldn’t control it. However, she looked calm and seemed to have no trouble. But we were The person next to him was so frightened that his face turned pale.
Her courage [and extraordinary courage] can be seen from her learning to ride a horse. This courage played a big role [in her future singing career].
She has a strong personality, rich emotions, and is easily moved to tears. Since she moved to Japan to develop her singing career, we have had fewer opportunities to meet and interact with each other. When she occasionally returns to Hong Kong for a short break, she will be moved when she sees a long-lost good friend. Tears welled up on my face, my throat was choked with sobs and I couldn’t speak. I couldn’t express my feelings for my friends.
Teresa Teng is very talented in languages. She can speak English and Japanese fluently in just three years. I think this smart and studious woman will have superhuman achievements no matter whether she develops in the singing world or even if she joins other industries from the beginning.
She is fully committed to her career, dedicated to her work, has a strong sense of responsibility, perseverance, and a strong enterprising spirit. She constantly challenges herself and often pursues breakthroughs in the realm of singing. However, she is not a careerist. She only explains her efforts to herself. She will tell me frankly that she never estimates how far her achievements will go. She pursues love and romance more than pursuing career achievements. If she is strong, she may even give up her career for love.
Some people believe that Teresa Teng belongs to the stage and to the fans. Some fans are even so selfish that they don’t want to see her fall in love, for fear that Teresa Teng will abandon them all one day.
For the sake of career, in order not to disappoint fans, I couldn’t love or hate freely, and I felt aggrieved. Furthermore, she would wander on the circuitous path of love, being stabbed and tossed over and over again, and her interest in matters of love would be somewhat waned. She put her pathos into her songs, making her love songs even more sad and sad, making people feel sad and pitiful when they listen to them.
With her pure and plaintive singing voice, she soothed countless crazy men and resentful women, but she could not soothe her own surging heart. Teresa Teng was repeatedly chased by the press for news about her love affair, which made her frightened, like a frightened bird, and she packed up her feelings more and more tightly.
Teresa Teng is the embodiment of tenderness and a lyrical singer in the eyes of fans. This truly passionate person is indifferent to feelings and does not give easily on the surface. Especially today’s Teresa Teng. You can use the words “People have been passionate for a long time, but now they are really not passionate." To describe her.
In recent years, Teresa Teng no longer likes to appear in public. She recently held a press conference to announce the release of her new album. She is still as gorgeous and high-spirited as ever. I am so happy to see her that it is indescribable. Cheerful, she is no longer interested in personal concerts, but is more interested in writing songs and lyrics.
Suddenly looking back, how many years of joy and sorrow
Looking to the future, the song of free love and hate
If she agrees to be a guest on the radio program “East, West, South, North" hosted by me. In order to come to my show, she also postponed her travel schedule.
In the program, we talked about old times and even talked about a little-known history of her. I said: “In the minds of the audience, Teresa Teng is a very courageous, not shy, and unfailing woman in the face of danger, especially in Japan’s red and white circles." It is a real honor for us to bring glory to the Chinese people in the competition."
“When I appeared in the Red and White Competition, I was really nervous. I felt a heavy burden for the sake of the Chinese people." Teresa Teng said: “When I was a child, I sang on TV for the first time. At that time, there was only one TV station in Taiwan, and it was often broadcast live. . Before this, I had been nervous for several days and memorized the lyrics every day. When it came time to officially appear, my mind was completely blank and I couldn’t think of any lyrics.” As a result, Teresa Teng was hidden from the radio station for a long time. , I never expected that this world-famous singer would have ever embarrassed herself in front of others, but at that time she was just a little girl of fourteen or fifteen years old.
In an instant, it was as if the joy of the past appeared before us again. Regarding all the joys and sorrows in the past, she only regarded them with a silent attitude. As the saying goes, “Life is just like a catkins in front of the wind, with sporadic joys and sporadic sorrows, all of which are connected to each other!" For this long-time friend, she can only express her love for her. I can use my affection pity to experience her!