淋しかった中で、一つ楽しかったこと the Drifters encouraged me

デビューして 5年ぐらいか6年ぐらいで
日本に来て 日本でデビューして
日本の歌手として 活動してたんですけど
その5年の間にとても良かったのは TBSの「全員集合」
お世話してくれて いろんな、私も勉強になって
それでツアーっていうか 地方行くとき
ステージ一緒に出て 歌い終わったとき そのコミック
淋しかった中で 一つ楽しかったことだったんです。

Five or six years after I debuted I came to Japan and debuted there.
And I sang as a singer in Japan.
But in the beginning, I felt very lonely because I didn’t know the Japanese language.
However, what made me happy during those five years was “Hachiji Dayo, Zen’in Shugo" of TBS, where I performed as a regular member around once a month.
Every member (of the Drifters) was very kind to me.
They took care of me.
And I learned a lot.
When we made tours, well, filmed in the cities out of Tokyo, I performed with them on the stage, and, after I sang, I was amused by watching their comic performances.
So, for five years after my first visit to Japan, it was what pleased and encouraged me, who felt lonely.



Posted by teresateng