



1973年、ベトナム戦争中、20歳のテレサ・テンがベトナムのサイゴンにあるライシン劇場でコンサートを行いました。2週間の歌唱の後、サイゴンの中国人はいたるところに行きました。この期間中、大きな戦争はありません。 テレサ・テンの記憶によると、この公演では、たくさんの花や小さな贈り物だけでなく、金や銀の装飾品も受け取りました。私を愛してくれてありがとう!

In 1973, during the Vietnam War, the 20-year-old Teresa Teng gave a concert at the Lai Sing Theatre in Saigon, Vietnam. He sang for 2 weeks. The Chinese in Saigon went everywhere. During this period, there was no major war. According to Teresa Teng’s memory: During this performance, not only received many flowers and small gifts, but also received gold and silver ornaments. Thank them for loving me so much!


【越南戰爭中開演唱會的鄧麗君】1973年7月13日,鄧麗君乘坐郵輪抵達西貢,數萬名粉絲,特別是西貢的華人在碼頭熱烈歡迎。鄧麗君高興地笑著站在歌迷中間,為了她的安全當時南越動員警察部隊來保護。1973年7月13日晚上,鄧麗君在麗聲劇院舉行了第一次演唱。她在越南人群中演唱了她的那些成名的歌聲,當時人群沸騰。備註越南戰爭:1955年11月1日 至 1975年4月30日。


【ベトナム戦争でコンサートを行ったテン・リジュン】1973年7月13日、テレサ・テンがクルーズ船でサイゴンに到着し、何万人ものファン、特にサイゴンの中国人が埠頭で彼を暖かく迎えてくれました。 テレサ・テンは幸せそうに笑い、ファンの間に立っていました。彼女の安全のために、南ベトナムは彼女を守るために警察を動員しました。 1973年7月13日の夜、テレサ・テンはLishengTheaterで彼女の最初のコンサートを行いました。 彼女はベトナムの群衆の中で彼女の有名な歌を歌いました、そして群衆は沸騰していました。 備考ベトナム戦争:1955年11月1日から1975年4月30日まで。


[Teresa Teng held a concert during the Vietnam War] On July 13, 1973, Teresa Teng arrived in Saigon on a cruise ship. Tens of thousands of fans, especially the Chinese in Saigon, warmly welcomed her at the pier. Teresa Teng stood among the fans with a happy smile. For her safety, South Vietnam mobilized police forces to protect her. On the evening of July 13, 1973, Teresa Teng held her first concert at the Lisheng Theater. She sang the songs she became famous to in front of a Vietnamese crowd that went wild. Notes Vietnam War: November 1, 1955 to April 30, 1975.



「歌與星 Life Entertainment」(1973 Sep)






Teresa Teng・Guan Xinyi

7上旬、テレサ・テンさんと才能ある振付家のグアン・シンイさんが、サイゴン堤防で2週間の公演に多額の資金で招待されました。 彼らはGuanXinyiを頭とする「YixingOperaTroupe」を結成しました。 テレサ・テンは、グ・メイ、ファン・ミャオリン、チャン・フー、周琦、ファン・メイフア、グ・キオングレイなどの劇団を率いていました。サイゴン紙のニュースによると、劇団はライ・シン劇場で上演され、会場は特に満員でした。テレサ・テンと周琦が共演した機知に富んだオペラ。サイゴンの聴衆に衝撃を与えた。 テレサ・テンは「恋人のサンシャイン」「千の言葉」「親愛なる馬車」「なぬわラブソング」を歌い、観客の「怒り」を繰り返しながら泉漳語の「おばあちゃんの言葉」を歌った。 4つの。 そして、一息で250曲のタイトルを暗唱するGuanXinyiの傑作も非常にセンセーショナルでした。 テレサ・テンは本当に最も人気のある歌手になるに値します、彼女が行くところはどこでも人々で混雑しています。


 7月上旬、ファンガールのテレサ・タンと才能ある作家兼演出家のクワン・スンガイは、サイクン・エンバンクに招かれ、2週間の公演を行うことになった。 彼らは、クワン・スンガイを団長とする「芸術星歌劇団」を結成した。 サイクン新聞によると、ライシンシアターでの公演は満席で、特にテレサ・テンとクワン・スンガイの楽しいオペラの共演はサイクンの観客に大ウケだったそうです。 テレサ・タンは「恋人たちの陽光」「千の言葉」「愛の馬車」「南無妙法蓮華経」を歌い、観客が「アンジュ」を連発した後、福建語の歌「おばあさんの言葉」を歌った。 また、250曲を一息に読み上げるグァン・シンイのパフォーマンスには、観客も大感激でした。 テレサ・テンは最も人気のある歌手の一人で、どこに行っても人だかりができていた

Teresa Teng ・ Guan Xinyi
Art Man Saigon

In early July, Ms. Teresa Teng and the talented choreographer Guan Xinyi, who were invited by a lot of money to perform on the Saigon embankment for two weeks, were invited. They formed the “Yixing Opera Troupe" with Guan Xinyi as the head. Teresa Teng led the troupe including Gu Mei, Huang Miaoling, Zhang Fu, Zhou Qi, Huang Meihua and Gu Qionglei. According to the news from the Saigon newspaper, the troupe performed at the Lai Sing Theatre, and the venue was full, especially the witty opera co-starred by Teresa Teng and Guan Xinyi. Shocked the Saigon audience. Teresa Teng sang “Lover’s Sunshine", “A Thousand Words", “Dear Carriage", “Nanuwa Love Song", and sang a Hokkien song “Grandma’s Words" under the repeated “Ange" by the audience. “, cheers and applause shocked the four. And Guan Xinyi’s masterpiece of reciting 250 song titles in one breath was also very sensational. Teresa Teng really deserves to be the most popular singer, everywhere she goes is crowded with people
, watertight.

Deng Lijun, Guan Xingyi
Art in Sai Kung

 In early July, Ms. Teresa Teng, a fan girl who was invited to Sai Kung Embankment for a two-week performance, and Kwan Sun Ngai, a ghost writer and director, were invited to perform in Sai Kung. They formed the “Art Star Opera Troupe", with Kwan Sun Ngai as the leader. According to the news from Sai Kung newspaper, the group performed at the Lai Sing Theatre to a full house, especially the funny opera performed by Teresa Tang and Kwan Sun Ngai, which was a big hit with the Sai Kung audience. Teresa Teng sang “Lover’s Sunshine", “A Thousand Words", “Love Carriage", “Nanuwa Love Song", and then sang a Hokkien song “Grandma’s Words" under the audience’s repeated “Ange", and the cheers and applause surprised the audience. And Guan Xin Yi read out 250 songs in one breath, the masterpiece is also very sensational. Teresa Teng was one of the most popular singers, and everywhere she went, there was a huge crowd.
The crowd was overwhelming.


越南.紅塵往事 🇻🇳~麗聲」というサイトで、麗聲劇院におけるテレサ・テンのパフォーマンスについて触れています。






1971年、テレサ・テンがステージに上がり、唐蘭華がベトナムで公演を行い、スターを追いかけるブームが巻き起こりました。その後、ベビーソングの女王としても知られるテレサ・テンは、母親と一緒に西堤に行きました。 「民俗婦人会」の呼びかけで麗生の斜め向かいの8階に引っ越し、ボディーガードに付き添われてホテルに到着すると、当時まだ18歳だった彼女は美しい歌声を披露し、一躍注目を集めた。青春の。


2年後の1973年、テレサ・テンは再び舞台に登場し、今度は少し成熟してとても美しく見え、裕福な華僑のリー・リャンチェンとも良好な関係を築きました。 当時のベトナムは戦争で荒れ狂っていましたが、西堤はまだ比較的安全で、娯楽施設は依然として歌や踊りで賑わっており、毎晩音楽が流れていました。

*「斜め向かいの8階に引っ越し、ボディーガードに付き添われてホテルに」とあるが、「斜め向かいの八達酒店(BatDat Hotel)の誤訳」


1971年、テレサ・テンが舞台にデビューし、唐蘭華のベトナム公演がスター旋風を巻き起こした。 その後、「人形の女王」と呼ばれたテレサ・テンは、母親と一緒に西堤に渡り、「市民婦人会」の接待を受け、来星の斜め向かいにあるオクトパスホテルにボディーガードを伴って宿泊し、来星で歌い、一時センセーションを巻き起こしたが、当時まだ18歳だった。

その夜、テレサ・タンは色とりどりの布と扇子幕で覆われた壮麗な舞台で、白いスーツに身を包んだファイヤーバードたちと一緒に、色とりどりの花のドレスを着て、次々と美しい歌を歌った。 彼女はまた、同じ舞台で張美雲、陳金棠と一緒に歌い、劇中ではトンパクフーと周翔を北京語の台詞で演じ、男装した女性の役を演じ、時折広東語のフレーズを挟みながら、豊かな表情で観客を大笑いさせ、拍手喝采を浴び続けた。

2年後の1973年、テレサ・テンは再び舞台に登場し、今度は少し大人びた表情で、とても美しく感動的で、中国の大物李良晨とも良い関係を築いた。 当時ベトナムは戦争中だったが、西銅鑼は安全で、娯楽施設は相変わらず活気に満ちていた。

“Teresa Teng Takes the Stage"

In 1971, Teresa Teng came on stage, and Tang Lanhua performed in Vietnam, setting off a wave of star-chasing craze. Later, Teresa Teng, also known as the queen of baby songs, went to Xidi with her mother. She was hosted by the “Folk Women’s Association" and moved into the Eighth Floor diagonally across from Lisheng. Arriving at the hotel, accompanied by bodyguards, she sang with a beautiful voice and became a sensation. At that time, she was only eighteen years old and full of youth.

That night Teresa Teng was on a gorgeous stage covered with colorful cloth strips and fans. She was young and beautiful, wearing a colorful floral dress, and sang beautiful contemporary songs one after another with the Firebird Band in white suits, and also sang with the Firebirds in white suits. Zhang Meiyun, Chen Jintang and others were on the same stage, and they performed the drama Tang Bohu and Qiuxiang with Mandarin dialogue. A woman disguised as a man, and occasionally added a few words in Cantonese during the scene. Their expressions were rich, and the audience laughed heartily and won constant applause.

Two years later, in 1973, Teresa Teng appeared on the stage again. This time she looked a little more mature and very beautiful. She also formed a good relationship with Li Liangchen, a wealthy overseas Chinese. Although Vietnam at that time was raging with wars, Xidi was still relatively safe, and the entertainment venues were still full of singing and dancing, with music played every night.

Teresa Teng on stage

In 1971, Teresa Teng made her debut on stage. Tang Lanhua’s performance in Vietnam created a wave of star-crossing, and then Teresa Teng, known as the Queen of Dolls, traveled to Xidi with her mother, and was hosted by the “Citizens’ Women’s Association" and stayed at the Octopus Hotel, which is diagonally across the street from Lai Sheng, where she was accompanied by her bodyguards, and sang at the Lai Sheng Concert, which made a sensation for a while.

That night, Teresa Teng sang one beautiful song after another on a magnificent stage covered with colorful cloth strips and fan screens, dressed in a colorful floral dress, together with the Firebirds in white suits, and sang one beautiful contemporary song after another. She also sang with Zhang Meiyun and Chen Jintang on the same stage, using Mandarin dialogues as a female impersonator to perform the play Tong Pak Fu, Poohu, Chouxiang, and interjecting a few Cantonese phrases from time to time, with rich expressions, which made the audience laugh and won continuous applause.

Two years later, in 1973, Teresa Teng appeared on stage again, this time looking a little more mature, very beautiful and touching, and even made a good relationship with the Chinese tycoon Li Liangchen. Although Vietnam was at war in those days, the West Causeway was safe, and the entertainment venues were as lively as ever.





 1973年のベトナム公演の曲目の一つに日本語歌詞の『你』があったとする、ベトナム語のweb記事があります。下の翻訳では、「アン Anh」と訳されています。

Ca khúc Anh của Đặng Lệ Quân thu âm tại Sài Gòn năm 1973.

Sau khi trở lại Đài Loan, Đặng Lệ Quân tiếp tục trình diễn ca khúc Anh bằng nhiều ngôn ngữ khác nhau như tiếng Nhật Bản, tiếng Quảng Đông và tiếng Quan thoại.

Trong khi  chính cha đẻ của ca khúc lại không hề hay biết đứa con tinh thần của mình lại được một diva nổi tiếng châu Á thể hiện ở khắp các sân khấu lớn nhỏ ở Nhật Bản, Hồng Kông, Đài Loan, Singapore, Malaysia, Thái Lan… 


運命と音楽 by Nguyen Anh 9


有名な女性歌手「月光が心に語りかける」の甘い声による「イングランド」という歌は、当時多くのベトナムのファンを喜ばせました。 これはダン・レ・クアンからサザンファンへの感謝の気持ちを込めた贈り物である。

Fate and music by Nguyen Anh 9

Also here, the diva named Dang performed a Vietnamese song with Japanese lyrics called Anh, a song composed based on the famous song Khong, the debut work of a Vietnamese musician Nguyen Anh 9.

The song “England" through the sweet voice of the famous female singer “Moonlight Speaks to My Heart" delighted many Vietnamese fans at that time. This is a gift as well as Dang Le Quan’s gratitude to Southern fans.


Posted by teresateng