『TTV電視周刊』 951期 P44

在日本錄製的專輯裏,鄧麗君演唱了「小城故事」、「千言萬語」、「甜蜜蜜」、「海韻」等招牌歌及新歌,小調「心中喜歡就說愛」、「夢向何處尋」、「奈何」、「你怎麼說」、「望一望」、「原鄉人」、「迎著風跟著雲」、「晚風花香」、「我怎能離開你」和「梅花」、廣東歌「風霜件我行」及英文歌曲「Love the World Away」、「Copacabana」、「More Than I Can Say」、「It’s a Heartache」、「I Know a Heartache WhenISee」等,共有二十一首。
チャンネル3 ドラマハイライト
1月2日 22時30分
Teresa Tengのアルバム
by イーシュン
テレサ・テンの帰国を機に、10月から中国に「テレサ・テン旋風」が吹き荒れている。 今はアメリカにいるけれど、彼女の甘い歌声は今も私たちの耳に残っている。
今回、TTVはテレサの最前線の軍事活動について生の情報を「公開」し、10月4日に国立国父記念館で行われたチャリティー公演の一部をレポートした。 テレサが中国を訪問した際、金門戦線と中国にどのような話題を提供したのか、孫家明監督の編集によるハイライトをご覧ください
日本で録音されたアルバムでは、テレサ・テンの代表曲と新曲である「小城故事(小さな町の物語)」「千言萬語(千の言葉)」「甜蜜蜜(甘い蜜)」「海韻(海の旋律)」、短調の「心中喜歡就說愛(気が向いたら愛を言って)」「夢向何處尋(夢はどこにある)」「奈何(ないしょ)」「你怎麼說(何を言うか)」「望一望(ルック・アウェイ)」「原鄉人(故郷の人々)」「迎著風跟著雲(風の中の雲に従って)」「晚風花香(夜の花の香り)」「我怎能離開你(どうすればあなたを捨てられるか)」「梅花(梅花藻)」や広東の曲「風霜件我行(フロスティ・ピセス)」、英語曲「Love the World Away」「Copacabana」「More Than I Can Say」「It’s a Heartache」「I Know a Heartache WhenISee」など計21曲収録しています。
Channel 3 Drama Highlights.
January 2, 10:30 p.m.
Teresa Tang Album
With Teresa Teng’s return to China, a “Teresa Teng whirlwind" has been blowing in October. Although she is now in the United States, her sweet voice still lingers in everyone’s ears.
During the New Year’s holiday on January 2, TTV will present a 90-minute program on Teresa Teng’s latest album, which will be broadcast at 10:30 p.m. The program will include many of her new and signature songs, as well as several Western songs.
This “Teresa Teng album" was recorded in Japan on November 8 with the help of TTV’s sister station Fuji TV, and was directed by Chinese director Wang Dongshun, who has designed two specials for Faye Au-Yeung.
In addition to the songs recorded in the Japanese studio, TTV also intends to arrange some reports on Teresa Teng’s activities on her return to China. After her return to China at the end of September, Teresa Teng’s whereabouts were kept “secret" by TTV for a period of time, and many reporters were kept in the dark about her trip to Kinmen, which caused a misunderstanding in the press.
This time, TTV “released" the “first-hand information" about Teresa Teng’s frontline military activities and reported the part of her October 4 charity performance at the National Father Memorial Hall. The highlights were edited by director Eric Sun, so viewers can see what kind of buzz Teresa brought to the Kinmen Front and the country during her trip to China!
In the album recorded in Japan, Teresa Teng sang her signature songs and new songs such as “小城故事 Small Town Story", “千言萬語 A Thousand Words", “甜蜜蜜 Sweet Honey", “海韻 Sea Melody", the minor key “你怎麼說 Say Love When You Feel Like It", “夢向何處尋 Where Can I Find My Dreams", “奈何 Nai Ho", “心中喜歡就說愛 What Do You Say", “望一望 Look Around", “原鄉人 Native People", “迎著風跟著雲 Follow the Clouds with the Wind", “晚風花香 Evening Wind and Flowers", “我怎能離開你 How Can I Leave You" and “梅花Plum Blossoms", the Cantonese song “風霜件我行 Frost Piece I Walk" and the English songs “Love the World Away", “Copacabana", “More Than I Can Say", “It’s a Heartache", “I Know a Heartache WhenISee", etc. There are 21 songs in total.
The dances, lighting, scenery and camera work are all carefully designed, and with Teresa’s mesmerizing voice and sweet smile, the album is truly an audio and visual treat. (written by Yeson)
Note The translation above is by DeepL, except for original song titles in Chinese added.